Friday, July 17, 2009

Beach Bon Fire

My boys LOVE fire! Tonight they will enjoy a dirty pit full of it at the beach. We will burn hot dogs and make flaming marshmallows all evening. What is the attraction? Is it the danger of 3rd degree burns? Whatever it is will be keeping me on my toes.

Speaking of the beach, we have visited the sand and sun many times this week. It amounted to enough times to actually fork out the money for an annual pass. Now we won't need to pray for our lives as we cross PCH. It will make rolling the cooler to the sand a more enjoyable trip. It will also decrease my running mileage by a quarter mile. My knees thank me and will take what they can get.

1 comment:

  1. :-) i love burning hot dogs & flaming marshmellows. sigh. i have not been to a bonfire in ages. i wish i could have been there. the annual pass is a good idea. the visual of you crossing PCH made me laugh, of course. omg. you definitely have a way of painting pictures with words. too funny. :-)
