Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ruby's Tonight!

I've been motivated to get this day done by a force much greater than cookies. Tonight we are going to Ruby's for dinner. It's a family favorite. Cayden can eat his allergy-free chicken breast with fries and I get the most amazing turkey burger that I can sink my teeth into. We usually hit up Ruby's on a Tuesday because it is their kids-eat-free day. It has become an expensive thing to eat out with 3 boys these days. Bryson's eyes are bigger than his stomach and Cayden is getting very close to outgrowing the kid's menu.
I have run the last 3 days, 6+ miles a piece and I believe that I may have prepped my body for the rush of calories that it will ingest this evening. I plan to run the next 3 days also to compensate for the calorie/fat overload. But really, in training, a rest day should really be a Ruby turkey burger day.
There is so much value in eating at Ruby's. Everyone leaves happy. If it's a kids-eat-free day, or you've got a good coupon (we have both for this evening), then it's light on the wallet. I maintained a healthy preganancy weight by eating Superburgers at least once a week (although I did go into preterm labor due to hypertension...but it's just coincidental...must be genetics.) They have a tasty meal that Cayden enjoys. I don't have to cook. If you go to the Ruby's on the pier, you get a great cardio-vascular workout. If you go to the one at Crystal Court, you can park downstairs and get a good calf workout.

OMG! Did I just write an entire blog entry about Ruby's?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah-

    I agree, the greasy burgers probably had nothing to do with the preterm labor. It must be all genetic :>

    --Good to blame things on mom & dad
