Monday, August 31, 2009

School Shopping with Bryson

He's been asking me for weeks. He had birthday money burning a hole in his wallet. He has a friend who was critical of his clothing; critical enough to tell him that he needed skinny jeans. So we went shopping. We started out at Tilly's because he had a gift card. That is where we made a compromise. If he was going to get skinny jeans, they were going to be loose-fitting, skinny-slim jeans. Not the ultra-skinny, neon-colored style. He bought 2 pairs. Then he decided that he needed to get shoes because the Adidas athletic shoes weren't going to cut it anymore. We found some bulky skater shoes and they were on sale, fine. 2 tee-shirts, well over-priced, and a name-brand jacket later, we were finally done. I think my eye-balls needed to be shoved back into my face when the lady at the register gave me the total. Bryson didn't flinch. He must have been confident that he had that much $ in his wallet. Good thing he didn't tell me or I would have mugged him.

So, when did this all happen? When did the switch go off in his mind? A few months ago he had money and all he wanted was a video game. Now he wants clothes....and not cheap clothes anymore. It's a sad day when you can't fool your son into wearing Geranimals or High Sierra Clothing. He wasn't shopping for fashion. He was shopping for name-brands.

We did make it to Target and got him some socks, boxers, and tee-shirts. Thank the Lord Almighty that he was understanding of the family undergarment budget. (Yeah, I couldn't make him pay for his undies. They're a necessity.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm sure in a few years he'll look back at this time and wonder how he could've ever wanted skinny jeans! Bryson is such a cute kid - hope he doesn't get too fashionable.
