Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mother Nature


I've had a bit of spare time to catch up on all of my "academic" reading material lately. It is so interesting to me how many ads there are for Tampax in Good Housekeeping, Fitness, Family Circle...... They all look a bit like this: A neatly dressed woman in a nicely pressed, green dress suit has a fancy, red bow-tied box in her hands ready to gift to a fun-loving woman. Since when did "that time of month" come in a fancy package? I don't ever remember a time when I thought to myself, "Oh, I really wish that my monthly visitor would be gifted to me in a beautiful box." What are the people at Tampax thinking? That they can glorify a woman's menstrual cycle by packaging it in a sparkly box?

I was watching the news a couple of days ago and I saw another ad from Tampax with Mother Nature (to whom is really getting on my nerves right now). The unsuspecting woman sees the green-dressed Mother of all...cramps, mood swings, hot flashes, bloating.... But the woman is one step ahead of Mother Nature. She has a "cute little transformer-like tampon" that she pulls out of her pocket. If that ain't kryptonite..... Mother Nature is angry. The woman can go on dancing!

I'd personally like to see Mother Nature and Midol go up against each other in an ad. That would be awesome! In my case, Midol really kicks butt!...more so than a collapsible pocket-sized tampon.


  1. are you sure being home alone is good for you? ;)

  2. You know what Id like to see.. feminine products not using blue liquid to show how absorbent their products are.. Lets not candy coat it.. Use red!
