Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don't You Wish your Husband Would do That?

I cannot express my deepest appreciation for the effort that my husband put into cleaning and organizing the house this weekend. I guess it was sort of a New Year's resolution for him to get more organized, but the entire family can benefit from his hard work. He spent hours upon hours in the kitchen (in his pj's: too cute!) organizing our cluttered pantry drawers, dish cabinets, fridge, and silverware drawers. He's a bare-minimum guy when it comes to decoration so our kitchen echoes as I type this entry. I don't like it so much, but I do like that I can find the cornstarch without having to rummage through each shelf. He found many treasures like Christmas candy from years ago and half empty bags of pretzels and crackers that were opened over the summer. He even wiped the Taco Bell hot sauce off of the plastic liners. I guess they got smashed as we hurriedly threw our mess back into the pantry in days past.
I have always said that he would make a better "housewife" than me. He's proven it over and over. What a great guy!
But he says his next resolution is to eat healthier...I know what that really entails. It entails ME cooking healthier meals for him and the kids and not buying the crap that finds its way into my shopping cart. Boo hoo!

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