Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It's been southern California. I was recently in Oregon for a family visit and it rained (very typical winter weather), but then I returned home to tornado warnings and thunder storms. Good Grief! As much as I love a little drip drop, I do miss my sunshine. I don't force my kids to play outside enough, but with this rain, I wish sometimes I could push them outside so they would give ME a break. I am sure that they would enjoy nature's teardrops.

We've watched a lot of t.v. and we've promptly done our homework. We've even managed to keep our house cleaner than usual because I keep yelling at them to clean their rooms. (What else is there to do with soccer practice cancelled and streets too deep to ride over to friends' homes?)

Jerrod called yesterday to notify me of the tornado warning. He told me to get under a doorway if something happens, but I am unclear if he just got his natural disasters mixed-up or if he's really praying that I'd end up like the Wicked Witch of the East. (She was the one with the striped socks and the original wearer of the ruby slippers, right?)

So, I wake up in the morning to the pitter-patter of rain and thank God for rainy day schedule that allows me to leave work 10 minutes early. I thank God for the work that we did on the house 2 years back that now allows us to view our "lake" (seriously, the back yard reminds me of Poltergeist, the movie) from inside our home instead of from the middle of it. I thank God for a husband who worked tiredlessly this last weekend while I "vacationed" (any trip without kids is considered a vacation) to plug up holes and water-proof the attic and garage. We may get cabin fever, but come on, we live in southern CA. The sun will eventually come out. Silver Lining: We live close enough to Target that we really could kayak over for emergency tp or soy milk.

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