Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 1

Today is the first day of my blog cataloging all of my wonderful thoughts about being a mother of 3 boys. Of course, it won't all be about my boys. I may feel the urge to blog about my "man" or complain about something (because if you know me, I always have something to complain about). I feel a complaint coming now: Those blisters on my feet are seriously killing me!...and dumb me, I thought it might be a good thing to run on them last night....and I am still having nightmares about that GU that I "ate" half-way through my 10 M run on Sat. I gag just thinking about it 'cuz that's what I did when I tried to "eat" it. Pretty random, I know.

So today started off to be one of the greatest parenting days of my last 3.75 years. My son, Rylan, pooped in the potty 2 times today. That's a lot of poo.....not having to be cleaned from his underpants or from a diaper! Yes! Small victories for this mom. That's not the best part. The best part is that for months I've been bribing him to go with these words: "If you go on the potty, we can have Mc Donald's for dinner." For months I've been telling my son to go sit on the potty just so I could get a Big Mac, fries, and a coke. Tonight, we feast!


  1. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA! :-) i LOVE that you're blogging, laney!!! yes yes yes!!!

    congrats to RY! pooptastic! :-)
