Wednesday, October 28, 2009


What is the point of migraines? I believe that it is for the makers of Excedrine to make millions of dollars off of suffering people like me. Hello: It's 6:49 AM and I am recovering from a nasty migraine that hit me this morning and, although the pain is gone, the caffeine is just starting to kick in. I think at this point, my poor husband can check the "single-dad" box on his next survey because he has taken care of these boys while I lay in bed debilitated and totally useless. I have had many thoughts this week about how a power drill can alleviate the pressure in my head (You saw that Grey's Anatomy too, huh?) or just a sledge hammer, really.
I'd like to thank my parents for my ongoing headaches. Thank you, thank you for the poor vision that has left me with eyeballs that are 2 times the size of a normal human's...maybe putting increased pressure on my brain (only a thought-doctor says that isn't the case, but how can it not be?). Thank you for passing on the genetic disposition for migraines triggered by, uh, just about everything I come into contact with (waking up, sunlight, moonlight, smelly candles, work, noise, exercise, driving...).
I am positive though. These last few days have given me the motivation to seek the added attention of a doctor, again, and even further if I don't get answers. I can't live like this. No parent should live with migraines not brought on by their own children. That is a different kind of migraine that I signed up for.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Running the Race

I wish I had a camera to take a picture of what I REALLY looked like when I finally finished my 10 mile race. I know that I was sweating so hard that there were salt trails all over my face and neck. I know also that I had my tongue sticking out and that my legs were moving out of sync with the rest of my body. I don't mind that people were laughing or that my friend, who finished 2+ minutes faster, had time to finish a banana and a bottle of water before cheering me on. I mind that I felt so bad all the way through the race. WHAT HAPPENED? I don't know. Was I sick? Was I insecure about being the last person to finish (which was not the case although I came pretty close to it)? Did I not eat enough to get me through?....which might have been the answer because my tummy was upset with me the whole way through.
I like to make up excuses for performing so poorly, but in this case, I knew that I was going to be one of the last people to finish and I still feel pretty crummy about it. And the worst of it is that I had a horrible migraine afterwards. I was out for the rest of the day tossing and turning in my bed with a towel over my eyes, 4 Excedrine in my system and barfing up everything that I tried to take in.
I've come to believe that my body is trying to tell me something. It is trying to tell me to go see my doctor, even if she'll tell me that it's been ??? years since my last pap smear and that I should have one now. My body is telling me that it's time to stop pushing too hard to be last. Just give in and enjoy being the last person that everyone hopes that they're not. It was a little hurtful when I reached the final water stop and one of the kids said to a friend, "Yeah, these are all the walkers now." I wasn't walking and I wanted to punch him in the face, but I needed to save my energy for my flash finish. The man that I was jockeying with for close-to-last-place didn't realize that I was running up beside him at first, but I noticed his snot rocket on my arm and tried to get ahead of him so he wouldn't do it again. I think when he realized that a short Asian woman was passing him up, he committed himself to passing me for the last time and he was off and running. I couldn't keep up with his speedy 12:00 min/mile pace. The 2 ladies who would run then walk would pass me on occasion and I could hear them from a pretty far distance. One of them was a "clopper". I don't really know how else to explain it except by saying that it sounded like she was running with tap shoes on. I was ready to drop out of the race every time they passed me running or when I passed them while they were walking. I think they ended up being the "walkers" at the end of the race because the last mile was a bit more pleasurable without them and snot-rocket man.
So, what do I have to say for myself? First I have to thank Steph for keeping positive and running her best race. I know that she tried hard to keep me on pace, but I was just dead-set on running at a snail's pace. She was there to cheer me on at the turn and at the finish. I LOVE her for that. Jerrod and I have concluded that the migraines need to stop so no more distance races or long runs until I can figure out what my problem is. I LOVE my husband. I love that he is backing me up on no more running, although he may not like the look of my square butt after 2 weeks of no real exercise. It was an experience, a good one, and a bad one. I must say though, we rode our bikes to the starting line and that was really enjoyable for me. The ride back was just as much fun. Without registering for this race, I would not have had such a great bike ride and I believe that makes my race a biatholon. AWESOME!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


We all have our special bag of tricks when it comes to disciplining our children. I don't really have a "bag" or "tricks" but I do have a very scary mad face and a scarcastic tone that could make any child cry. I have put those aside though, seeing the error of my ways, and tried some alternative methods to get my boys to do what I tell them to do.
Usually, it isn't bad because I am a mom that does almost everything for my kids. I hand them their daily change of clothes, including the underwear so they remember to change them. I pick up after them and I pick up after's a never-ending task. I remind them every morning to eat something and to brush their teeth. Lightbulb switch: ON! This is why they don't do anything that I tell them to do when I want them to do it. I've been doing it for them. Duh! They complain that they don't know how to fold their clothes or empty the dishwasher. It's because I was too-good-of-a-mom to teach them to do it for themselves.
We are in our transition phase now where the kids still do a lot of "..but I can't..." or "...but I don't know how...". It's become a challenge because of all of the teaching-to that I feel like I am doing, but it is paying off. Bryson can now empty the entire dishwasher without a single complaint, although there is no rhyme-or-reason as to the organization of the tupperware (see above picture). Another lesson for another day. Cayden had a HUGE breakthrough this afternoon after a bunny poop meltdown. He "just couldn't keep the bag open while he scooped the poop into it." Not only did he learn a more efficient way to bag poop, he understood that when he is respectful to his mom by doing what he is asked to do, he is contributing to his family and will reap the rewards and privliges of being a part of it (playing soccer, watching t.v., eating McDonald's, making smoothies...all of the most important things in life).
It was all done without a scream or fist-pump. With just a little crying and a lot of love, we were able to bag that poop up....2 bags-full!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Battle of the Bulk

I do think it a bit funny that we planned for an evening of fun at Costco with the boys. It's been months since our last visit. To lighten the stress, usually it is just one of us and the other stays at home with the boys. If it's Jerrod that goes, he is a precise shopper and comes back with what is on the list, except for that one time when he came home with a camera and a foam surf board...... If I go, who knows what will come home with me. I start with a list, but tend to find other items that I "forgot" to add. If we take the kids, like we did today, it seems like the trip is quick and efficient. We work as a team and cover twice the aisles in half the time. We say things like, "...but do we really need this much?" and the other will answer, "We can just go to the store later." Jerrod keeps me away from the chocolate and we don't even attempt the seasonal, technology, clothing, or entertainment sections for fear that there might be a break-down.
So why don't we always take the boys?
1. the car ride is almost unbearable....the singing, the fighting, the crying,....
2. Like me, they get the "I-Wants". You know... "I want to get..." And we're talking in bulk. I don't really think that it is the best idea to have a 5 lb. bag of cheese ravioli just for Bryson.
3. Today I had to explain to Cayden why it was rude to laugh at me for getting the bulk-sized panty liners. Embarassing! I let him know that there will be a day in his life when he will be going to the store to get them for HIS wife.
4. If Rylan was to drop those eggs, that would be 6 more than if we had bought at Ralphs.
5. The ride home.
We are survivors though. We made it home with tp to last us for the rest of the year, a bag of broccoli that will go half-finished because we just couldn't eat any more if it, and those panty liners that are gonna get me though until menopause.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

All Things USC

I guess it was just a matter of time before this household would catch on to the craze of which the US calls college football. Jerrod had never been really interested and the boys had better things to do on a weekend, like play video games or clean their rooms... But something happened this week. Actually, it started about 2 weeks ago when Cayden expressed interest in a football jersey. The nice jerseys are expensive and I told him that he had to save up his money. Well, how about that? His birthday party came and went and he had a pocket-full of money. He chose a USC jersey. Very nice! Jerrod and I didn't attend USC, but we do have a soft place in our hearts for over-priced, small, private, CA colleges. We met at one....that didn't have a football team, so that gives us every right to claim USC as our football team of choice.
Back to this week, I began to notice that certain things would catch my eye, like USC tortilla chips at the supermarket. I would fall into certain conversations, like one with a student who was telling me that she was going to Chicago just to see this Saturday's game...
Needless to say, Jerrod went shopping for "game food" (it wouldn't surprise me if the USC chips made their way into our home) and Cayden invited his aunt to come over and watch the game. How did I even think that I would get away with living a football-free life with 4 boys in my household? I don't know, but now I need to go to the library and educate myself on our new-found-love. Fight on!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life Lessons RE Toilet Paper

Big B learned an important lesson this evening. It was time. He is mature enough. If he is going to be the one to use the last of the tp, he better put a new roll on. I asked him, "Who in their right-mind is going to think that this is enough to wipe with?" Then I told him to replace the roll. He tried to play smart with me and said, "Uh, the person who should really be doing this is the next guy", but I told him that the next pooper would not appreciate it, especially if there wasn't a roll to be found within arm's reach. So he got up out of his bed and he changed it for me.
Would it be too much for someone to start a book of written tp rules? For instance, It really makes more sense if the paper rolls over the top of the roll. You can argue with me, but I hate it when you pull too hard and the paper keeps unrolling from under the roll. How about ripping on the perforation instead of making an uneven tear? What's the point if you don't use the dotted line? 2-ply. Why do they even bother with 1-ply? You have to use twice as much. Scented tp. If you need scented tp, it really must be time to take a shower. I'll stop there, but if you have others to add......

Ruby's Tonight!

I've been motivated to get this day done by a force much greater than cookies. Tonight we are going to Ruby's for dinner. It's a family favorite. Cayden can eat his allergy-free chicken breast with fries and I get the most amazing turkey burger that I can sink my teeth into. We usually hit up Ruby's on a Tuesday because it is their kids-eat-free day. It has become an expensive thing to eat out with 3 boys these days. Bryson's eyes are bigger than his stomach and Cayden is getting very close to outgrowing the kid's menu.
I have run the last 3 days, 6+ miles a piece and I believe that I may have prepped my body for the rush of calories that it will ingest this evening. I plan to run the next 3 days also to compensate for the calorie/fat overload. But really, in training, a rest day should really be a Ruby turkey burger day.
There is so much value in eating at Ruby's. Everyone leaves happy. If it's a kids-eat-free day, or you've got a good coupon (we have both for this evening), then it's light on the wallet. I maintained a healthy preganancy weight by eating Superburgers at least once a week (although I did go into preterm labor due to hypertension...but it's just coincidental...must be genetics.) They have a tasty meal that Cayden enjoys. I don't have to cook. If you go to the Ruby's on the pier, you get a great cardio-vascular workout. If you go to the one at Crystal Court, you can park downstairs and get a good calf workout.

OMG! Did I just write an entire blog entry about Ruby's?